Through funding announced in November 2022, the Township of Huron-Kinloss authorized Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority to proceed with a Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program of 6 Watercourses and provisionally Clark Creek and the entire Pine River in May of 2023. Read the Collaboration report here.
Hazard mapping currently forms a part of the planning process and applications for building or conservation authority permits. Given the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events, it is crucial to establish and maintain precise flood hazard maps to ensure public safety, minimize property damage, and reduce business disruptions. The hazard maps generated through this program will aid in future decision-making for both the Conservation Authority and the Township of Huron-Kinloss.
Saugeen Conservation's Flood Hazard Mapping Frequently Asked Questions webpage can aid in navigating information about the FHIMP program.
Future public consultation will be performed regarding updates to regulatory mapping, conducted by the SVCA Environmental Planning and Regulations department. The updates to regulatory mapping will include the best available information regarding all regulated natural hazards, this flood hazard mapping included.